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Hi, I’m Samantha

I’ve dedicated my life to fighting for our community – for a future where no one is left behind and we all have a quality, affordable home, world class services and a safe climate.

My family arrived in Melbourne after the civil war broke out in Sri Lanka with nothing but the suitcases we carried between us. We thrived because we had access to good quality public education and healthcare. I know first hand how strong and supportive communities can change our lives.

When I moved to Wills over fifteen years ago, I knew I had found home. I am so grateful and proud to live amongst such welcoming, compassionate, progressive people.

Our community can lead the rest of the country. But right now, our Labor representative doesn’t vote in line with our values in the Federal Parliament.

As someone who cares deeply about our community, it is devastating that so many of us are struggling to make ends meet. Labor is backing their corporate donors making billions in profit, and failing to tackle the scale of the cost of living, housing or climate crises we are experiencing. We know Dutton would be worse.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

I believe that politics is about choices. We can choose to reform the housing market, make big corporations pay their fair share of tax and use it to fund world class health, education and public services. We can choose to take on the supermarkets and end their price gouging. We can do so much more to end the invasion and occupation of Gaza and end military exports to Israel. We can stop more coal and gas and tackle the climate crisis.

All of this is possible, Labor is just choosing not to.

I have hope. I am driven by a deep belief in people; in our ability to come together to change the future for the better.

We have plans to build the biggest people-powered campaign in the country. Labor and the Liberals are funded by big corporations including coal and gas companies and property developers. We have something more powerful: people like you.

So, this is it! If you want to see change, the first step is voting for someone who will fight for you and the things you believe in.

I’d love to have you join me. I hope I can count on your vote.

Samantha’s Story

Dedicated Community Leader

Samantha has represented our local community for over a decade. In 2017 she became the first woman to lead the Victorian Greens in the State parliament as the Member for Northern Metropolitan Region. She was first elected to Local Government in 2012, and elected Mayor of Moreland (now Merri-Bek) in 2016.

Samantha knows what it takes to get outcomes. She is a powerful speaker, campaigner and leader, her work leading community campaigns inside and outside parliament have helped to achieve climate, housing and integrity reform, freed up thousands of homes for renters and helped to end native forest logging. 

Migrant, mum, daughter, partner, local

Samantha’s family left Sri Lanka due to civil war, they came to Australia seeking peace. She remembers vividly the trauma of war and became a strong advocate for peace, non-violence, and international aid.

Samantha has spent decades working to give back to the community that has given her so much. She spent 15 years as a local community worker, supporting people experiencing homelessness, drug and alcohol issues and assisting people to rebuild their lives after fleeing war.

Samantha holds degrees in Arts and Social Work, from the University of Melbourne and a PhD that investigated young people’s experiences of belonging, participation and global citizenship.

Samantha has a loving family and is a deeply committed and connected local. She has loved calling Brunswick home for over 15 years with her husband, Colin, and their daughter, Malala.
She can often be found in a yoga class or on a squash court at Fitzy’s, which she credits with keeping her energised.

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